onsdag 11 juni 2014
2003 Artis in den Bosch.
A big installation where I was busy with the aesthetics of the art form, being relaxed and searching for a expression as close to the fact that the build up of a installation most of the time looks better then the final representation.
2001 Arti et Amicitiae
I made this installation were the audience listened to a story inside that little hut. The chrome dog was the main electric gadget.
måndag 9 juni 2014
1999 This is me 2000
This is me 2000 was a big installation in Maria kapelle in Hoorn NL. The theme were forgiveness and the audience were tricked in to forgiving by walking through doorways in between the kiosks of personal experiences. little handwritten notes said that you forgive the Germans for the war or that you forgive your parents for everything if you pass this door. The local newspaper, Noordhollandse krant, wrote that this is not art and that I should be ashamed of what I do.
1998 .FBKVVB
Fonds voor beeldende kunsten vrije vormgeeving en bouwkunst, Exhibition in the Gashouder in Amsterdam for the artists who received a working grant. I made this church with the tower pointing forward, towards the future instead of upwards to heaven. telling about Laika the space dog and Dick Fosberry who invented the Fosberry flopp.
1997 Farevell welfare
W 139 artist driven art space in Amsterdam, Farewell Welfare was a exhibition with Scandinavian artists I made that pink barn, Sari Torvinen F. the video and Lars Arhenius S.the drawing of birches in the background. In the next door room there was a exhibition including Elke Krystufek..
1996 Leidekkersteeg

1995 Ygdrasil Space Rocket
Final exam exhibition At the Rietveld academie. Telling the story of space dog Laika landing on a planet inhabited by pleasant dogs, the scientists doing nothing for humanity but making the space dog happy. Here you see the kindest of dogs awaiting Laika to get out of her space rocket.
Virtual reality.
1994 Achterstraat (ABC) Hoorn, NL.I made this tent to show the audience the vastnes of everything, home made 3D helmet helped you se the stairs leading to eternity inside the tent.
My private little egypt
1994. This installation I made as a reaction to the removal of Roma right laws made after 2'nd world war, These laws where abolished in both Germany and Great Britain at about the same time and made but a small notice in the bigger news papers, The law gave Roma people rights to have camp sights. Little egypt was a hill settlement in Italy where from Roma people ventured through Europe, in the beginning welcomed as Egyptian kings and queens.
söndag 8 juni 2014
1993 first installation.
In 1993 I made my first bigger installation in a project room at Gerrit Rietveld academie, Amsterdam, NL. Textile suspended by threads.I wanted to comment the transition of the "town" going from a place where we got together to avoid threats of animals, to being able to protect wealth, to our time where a town foremost is a place for inebriation and sexual opportunity.
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